It is a small world. While getting ready to paint in Highland Lakes, Tina's uncle told me I needed to visit the Expeditionary Art website because the artist, Maria Coryell-Martin, does some cool nature watercolors. I already knew about the site because T had bought me my first (and second) Pocket Palette from Maria. In addition, Maria was very generous with her time and expertise. She provided her insights and advice to me while I was preparing to buy artist grade watercolors (Daniel Smith). Here is my first painting using the Pocket Palette and new paints on site.
Why is it a small world? Well, it turns out T's cousin went on the same expedition as Maria. In fact, Maria even did a watercolor portrait of her cousin in watercolors (it is a really cool and unique piece).
Here is my sketch of small lake where T's aunt and uncle live using, of course, my Pocket Palette and Daniel Smith watercolors!
Watercolor and pen & ink on paper 5.5x8.25
Love the range of colors in this, some really interesting shades of blue and purple (and green), and I like that the building is truly drawfed (as it is in real life) by the surrounds. It's not what I see until I look more carefully.